25th July 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Thanks for checking out the latest update, we hope you've been having a great week!

Work is continuing on the remix of “Plugged Into The System”. In fact, I was just listening to the new mix of the song “Crisis” before writing this update. It's definitely sounding a lot better than the original version, and I'm really enjoying the process of working on it. I have to admit it was bit daunting opening up the original multitrack files and making sense of them! I'm pleased to say they are all sorted now and the remix is well underway.

I've been in touch with the band today and we're looking to record a couple of new tracks for the upcoming “Twenty Years” compilation. We hope to get together during August to write and record the material. It should be fun, it has been a while since we sat in a room together to come up with new songs. We'll definitely keep you in the loop as we work on the tracks!

I was thrilled to see that “Power Of Salvation” from “Moment In Time” has once again charted on the Christian Music Weekly Loud chart. Thanks to everyone who has supported that track, both listeners and radio shows!

If you haven't already, please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel and our Podcast. Both are updated weekly and they are a great source of info direct from the band! Also consider supporting the band via Soundmass and Anchor Merchandising, every bit helps.

Once again thanks for the support and like I always say…

God Bless and Rock On!
Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

18th July 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,
Vaughan from Grave Forsaken here, thanks for checking out this latest update!

It’s been a good week for band related work. I’ve finalised the layout for our “Light The Hall!” reissue. I just need to send off the master disc and layout files and that should be available soon. I’ll be sure to let you know!

The next project is our “Plugged Into The System” remix. I have all the software setup on my new laptop and I’ve mixed two of the eight songs. That’ll be my focus for the next few weeks.

Please continue to send in your list of favourite Grave Forsaken songs for our upcoming “Twenty Years” compilation. The track list will be entirely decided by you!

We once again hit the Christian Music Weekly Loud chart with “Power Of Salvation” getting a good number of plays on Christian metal radio! Thanks to all who have supported that single!

As always we’d like to thank everyone who has purchased a CD from Soundmass or picked up some merch from Anchor Merchandising. Also, we continue to post podcast episodes and YouTube video updates weekly. Check them out if you haven’t already!

Thanks for your continued support and like I always say…

God Bless and Rock On!

Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

11th July 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,
Vaughan from Grave Forsaken here, thanks for checking out the latest update. I've been back from my eastern states family holiday for a few days now and I've made some progress on band projects.

It was great this week to hit the CMW Loud chart with “Power Of Salvation” from the latest album “Moment In Time”. I sent copies to quite a number of radio stations so it's great to know that the track has been getting airplay. Thanks to the stations and shows that have played us. Also thanks to everyone who has requested Grave Forsaken on Christian Metal radio, I know for a fact it really helps!

The main thing I'm working on right now is the “Light The Hall!” CD reissue. I've finalised the layout and I've mastered the CD, so it's just a matter of submitting it for production now. I'll get onto that in the coming days and keep you updated.

Working on the “Light The Hall!” reissue inspired me to revisit the live tracks I've been working on for a while now. I hadn't listened to them for a bit and I was pleased with what I heard. We'll almost certainly release them in some form when they're done. Maybe it'll even be “Light The Hall III”!

Don't forget to email your list of favourite Grave Forsaken songs for our upcoming “Twenty Years” compilation project. There's still time to have your say. The tracklist will be entirely generated from your selections!

As always we encourage you to subscribe to the Grave Forsaken Podcast and the Grave Forsaken YouTube channel, both are updated weekly. For Grave Forsaken music and merch head to our official suppliers Soundmass and Anchor Merchandising. Every little bit helps!

Thanks for your continued support and like I always say…

God Bless and Rock On!

Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

4th July 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,
Vaughan from Grave Forsaken here, thanks for taking the time to check out this update!

As many of you will know I’m currently on a family holiday on the east coast. Right now I’m writing this update from Canberra, the capital of Australia. We’re having a fantastic time, in fact today we were in the public gallery for Question Time in the Australian parliament. It was a great experience for my two teenage boys to see Parliament in action!

As a result of our trip I haven’t done any band related work this week, apart from the scheduled update. Lucky I have a good archive of photos to upload on social media this week!

Thanks to everyone who checked the YouTube update and podcast this week. Also huge thanks to all who have supported us via Soundmass and Anchor Merchandising. Everything helps and everything is appreciated!

I’ll be back in Perth for the next update, you’ll hear from me then!

God Bless and Rock On!

Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

27th June 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,
Vaughan here. Thanks for checking out the latest update! I've been relatively busy this week with band related tasks. I've nearly finished the layout for our “Light The Hall” reissue, so it's not far off. I am going on a family holiday next week so it'll probably be a few more weeks before I get it sent off for printing. I'm looking forward to getting that one done so I can move onto the next project.

If you've been following our YouTube video updates and Grave Forsaken podcasts you'll know I've recently had a couple of guitars serviced and they're now very playable again. I'll definitely be using both for at least some guitar parts on future recordings. That's why I want to get my project list completed, I'm hanging out to start working on new material with Matt and Tim! I'm intentionally working through my to do list before starting the next album project, because I know I'll get distracted otherwise!

Please continue to send in your recommendations for our upcoming “Twenty Years” compilation project. We have 15 tracks out front at the moment - but your recommendations can still influence the tracklist! It's been fun compiling a list of your favourite Grave Forsaken tracks.

Thanks for your continued support of the band via purchasing our music from Soundmass and our merch from Anchor Merchandising. Every little bit helps, we really appreciate your support in our Christian metal mission.

Thanks again, and you'll hear from me again next week.

God Bless and Rock On!
Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

20th June 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,
Vaughan from Grave Forsaken here. Welcome to the latest update! It's great to see some new additions to the mailing list in the last few weeks, thanks for joining the Grave Forsaken community.

Those of you following the podcast and video updates will know I've recently made the effort to get a couple of my old guitars serviced into playable quality. It's been a great pleasure to pick up these formally beaten up guitars and rip out some cool sounds. I have two more guitars that need a bit of TLC, then I'll have all my guitars in nice working order. I've picked up a few over the years, I definitely don't need anymore… though I am dreaming of an Epiphone Flying V…

I'm still learning my way around new software on my new laptop while I put together the layout for our reissue of “Light The Hall!”. I know that by learning a few new things every day I'll soon have a workable system for layouts and design. Like I've mentioned, there's a few older projects I want to get onto CD, along with a few newer ones I'm working on.

Please continue to support the band by grabbing a CD from Soundmass or some merch from Anchor Merchandising. Also be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube Channel and like us on Facebook, Instagram and X.

Thanks for checking out the update and like I always say…

God Bless and Rock On!
Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

13th June 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,
Vaughan from Grave Forsaken here, thanks for checking out this latest update!

As always we’d like to thank everyone who has purchased a CD from Soundmass or picked up some merch from Anchor Merchandising. This is the best way to support the band! Our latest album is “Moment In Time” and we’d greatly appreciate you supporting the release!

We continue to post podcast episodes and YouTube video updates weekly. It’s been great to see the steady numbers from week to week. Check them out if you haven’t already, it’d be great to see the numbers gradually grow.

I’m in the process of getting a couple of my guitars serviced. Part of that is replacing the pickups on them, it’s one of those tasks I’ve been wanting to get done for ages. I got one of them back from the guitar shop today and it’s amazing how good it sounds and feels with a bit of TLC. I’m sure I’ll be inspired to come up with some new ideas on these old faithful guitars!

I’ll keep the update brief this week, I can’t believe it’s Wednesday again! Thanks for your continued support and like I always say…

God Bless and Rock On!
Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

6th June 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,
Vaughan from Grave Forsaken here, thanks for checking out this update!

It’s hard to believe “Moment In Time” has been out for a couple of months already. Thanks to everyone who has picked up a copy! If you haven’t head over to Soundmass and grab yourself one!

As always, we’ve been keeping up with regular video updates and podcast episodes lately. Videos get posted Saturday and podcast episodes get posted on Monday. Never miss any news by subscribing to both. It’s been great to have everyone on board this year!

Work continues on the “Light The Hall” reissue, I can’t wait to tick off a few other projects over the coming months. I’ll bring news as it comes to hand on each of those projects.

Don’t forget that Anchor Merchandising is the place for all your Grave Forsaken merch and please follow us on social media. We endeavour to post something everyday!

Thanks for your continued support and like always…

God Bless and Rock On!
Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

30th May 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all,

Vaughan here, I hope you're all doing well. Thanks again for your continued support of the band!

As has been the case all year, a new video update was posted on YouTube last Saturday and a new podcast was posted last Monday. We have a very consistent posting schedule, so check out previous uploads and look out for new ones in the coming week. It's been really great to bring you all regular updates this year.

I was pleased to get myself a new laptop recently. My old one was slowly dying, so it was necessary to upgrade. I've been busy installing everything and transferring all the files I need. The old laptop was getting so slow, I'm sure this will lead to a productivity upgrade for our current batch of Grave Forsaken projects. My focus first up is to get the “Light The Hall” CD reissue sorted out. One project at a time!

For Grave Forsaken music and merch please check out Soundmass and Anchor Merchandising. They are great suppliers and both sell quality products. Every CD or merch item you buy helps the band in our Christian metal mission!  

Thanks again for reading the update and you'll hear from us again next week!

God Bless and Rock On!


23rd May 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update 

Hi all, Vaughan from Grave Forsaken here. Thanks for checking out this latest update!

Thanks for your continued contribution to the Twenty Years compilation track-list, we’ll continue to add your suggestions, so keep them coming in via email or private message.

I got myself a newer, faster laptop today, so that will make a huge difference with band related projects. I was finding my old laptop was getting so slow that it had become a demotivating factor in getting work done. I’m looking forward to transferring across to the new one and progressing the current batch of projects. Ultimately I want to tick them off then get working on the next studio album!

Please subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel if you haven’t already. We continue to post regular updates so make sure you keep up to date with everything Grave Forsaken. A video update was posted  last Saturday and a podcast episode was posted last Monday.

Thanks again for your support of the band via Soundmass and Anchor Merchandising. Please consider grabbing a “Moment In Time” CD or shirt if you haven’t already. Every sale helps!

Thanks again everyone. Look out for new updates on both YouTube and via podcast in the coming days and you’ll hear from us again soon.

God Bless and Rock On!
