Album cover explanation

This is Elias Salmela writing to give an explanation of the album cover. First of all I want to point out the artwork has two meanings. I did the artwork back in 2012 and I wrote two songs based on it. The first song is called "Fallen From Grace" and the second one is called "Religion Wasn't The One".

"Fallen From Grace" relates to the artwork in the way that religion is sometimes utilised as a tool to use people. It is sometimes used to control the masses to gain money, or in the worst cases to kill people. In history some wars have started because of the influence of religion. People can get caught up in serving religion and it has nothing to do with God. Things can look good on the outside but underneath things can be so wrong.

The second meaning is based on the song "Religion Wasn't The One". This is quite the opposite of "Fallen From Grace". This one is about how religion and religious themes often get demonised. Some people think science is a better kind of truth and it provides better answers in solving this human mess. Men of science are responsible for a lot of destruction on this planet. Weapons of mass destruction are invented by men of science but usually people have a bigger problem when it comes to religion. Religion often gets badmouthed but you can't stereotype everyone. There are religious people out there that have genuine hearts and are trying to make a difference in this world by helping others.

You can choose which meaning better describes the artwork. Hopefully you will like the album!

Enjoy and God Bless!
Elias Salmela

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