Battle of the bands

We arrived at the battle of the bands competition and found out there were only two bands entered. This was pretty good news because it meant we would get a longer set time. Given there were no other bands playing while we were, it meant we would likely get a decent audience. The other band turned up but they had no drummer. SInce I had my kit there anyway I offered to sit in for them. It wasn't really about winning, it was more just about playing the gig. They seemed pleased enough to accept my offer, so without knowing the material I sat in and played along. When it came our turn to play, we went fairly well. There were quite a few people there to watch and it was very heartening. It felt like we were part of the line up, even though we weren't. What was also cool is we had to put our gear in the backstage area to keep it safe. Even though we didn't have backstage passes we pretty much got waved through by security all weekend. We won the actual battle itself, though again it wasn't the purpose. Still, we were pretty pleased to have achieved that. Saying that, I'm not sure they could have awarded it to a band featuring the drummer from the opponents!

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