1st April 2017

Hot on the heels of the Lakeside gig we got offered some more stuff in and around Perth youth groups. I can't recall the exact order of events because this is where things started getting a bit busy. I actually can't remember the exact venues but I know we did a gig with Superfluity and another band called Groth. Groth were also a Christian band so it was really cool to be finding these like minded people. We were definitely the most metal of all the bands but we formed a pretty good bond with the others. This one particular gig was standout because a whole bunch of youth groups went along and there was quite a crowd. I can picture the room we played in and I can clearly remember looking out from behind the drums but I can't remember where it was! In any case it was another great chapter in us living our dream to be a Christian metal force in Perth. Looking back, we were but a mini scene that was getting a decent following. Kids would rock out at the gigs and it was a great time to be playing music. I'm so glad in hindsight we had those experiences.  

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