11th April 2017 - Another opportunity

It was during this downtime that Dan contacted the band about another gig. My memory cheats a bit but I think it was pretty late in 1998 or maybe early 1999 when this gig happened. This one was a Friday night youth group at his church. It was just perfect because I could arrange for the youth group I was still leading to come along. I remember it being a great night, with lots of youth group kids rocking out. Looking back, I really miss the days when gigs like that would come knocking for us. We were getting to hang out and play Jesus metal to teenagers. It was a real blessing and I probably wasn't thankful enough. I also miss the bond I had with Ben and Chris. We were metal brothers and we had real chemistry as a band. We were raw and rough but at the same time we had a distinctive style of our own. I have great fondness and respect for those days.

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