April 18th 2024 - Grave Forsaken Update

Vaughan here, welcome to the latest update. It continues to be an exciting year for the band. We have been really happy with the streaming numbers for “Moment In Time”. It has been our best album launch yet streaming wise, something we are pleased to have achieved 20 years into our history!

Matt and I had our first rehearsal for some time on Friday night just gone. Tim was away on holiday, but we plan to meet up at the rehearsal studio again soon. Matt and I cranked the amps and came up with a solid set list that covers our entire recording history. We have one song from each album and EP, for a total of 12 tracks. We will need to operate as 3 piece for the foreseeable future given that Luke has moved to Nashville and records his album parts remotely these days.

Now that the album is released, I've switched my focus to some other Grave Forsaken projects. I'm gradually getting the back catalogue on bandcamp, and I've nearly got through that task. After that we will be doing limited CD runs of some of the older releases that are either running low or were never on CD in the first place. I'm tentatively working on a live bootleg release as well, but we'll assess the sound quality before deciding whether to release it or not.

The other project we're just starting to think about is “Twenty Years”, our next compilation album. With this project, we'd love your feedback. Send us a list of your favourite Grave Forsaken tracks and we'll start working out what to put on it! 

As always there was a new Grave Forsaken video update posted on YouTube on Saturday and a new Grave Forsaken podcast episode posted on Monday. Please check those out and subscribe so you never miss an update!

To order “Moment In Time” head to 


To order Grave Forsaken Merch head to


Thanks again, and like I always say…

God Bless and Rock On!